Validating a driver

OK, so you have seen the project and would like to check if the Cinder driver for your storage backend will work with cinderlib or not, but don’t want to spend a lot of time to do it.

In that case the best way to do it is using our functional tests with a custom configuration file that has your driver configuration.

The environment

Before we can test anything we’ll need to get our environment ready, which will be comprised of three steps:

  • Clone the cinderlib project:

    $ git clone git://
  • Create the testing environment which will include the required Cinder code:

    $ cd cinderlib
    $ tox -efunctional --notest
  • Install any specific packages our driver requires. Some Cinder drivers have external dependencies that need to be manually installed. These dependencies can be Python package or Linux binaries. If it’s the former we will need to install them in the testing virtual environment we created in the previous step.

    For example, for the Kaminario backend we need the krest Python package, so here’s how we would install the dependency.

    $ source .tox/py27/bin/active
    (py27) $ pip install krest
    (py27) $ deactivate

    To see the Python dependencies for each backend we can check the driver-requirements.txt file from the Cinder project, or in cinderlib’s file listed in the extras dictionary.

    If we have binary dependencies we can copy them in .tox/py27/bin or just install them globally in our system.

The configuration

Functional test use a YAML configuration file to get the driver configuration as well as some additional parameters for running the tests, with the default configuration living in the tests/functiona/lvm.yaml file.

The configuration file currently supports 3 key-value pairs, with only one being mandatory.

  • logs: Boolean value defining whether we want the Cinder code to log to stdout during the testing. Defaults to false.
  • venv_sudo: Boolean value that instructs the functional tests on whether we want to run with normal sudo or with a custom command that ensure that the virtual environment’s binaries are also available. This is not usually necessary, but there are some drivers that use binaries installed by a Python package (like the LVM that requires the cinder-rtstool from Cinder). This is also necessary if we’ve installed a binary in the .tox/py27/bin directory.
  • size_precision: Integer value describing how much precision we must use when comparing volume sizes. Due to cylinder sizes some storage arrays don’t abide 100% to the requested size of the volume. With this option we can define how many decimals will be correct when testing sizes. A value of 2 means that the backend could create a 1.0015869140625GB volume when we request a 1GB volume and the tests wouldn’t fail. Default is zero, which for us means that it must be perfect or it will fail.
  • backends: This is a list of dictionaries each with the configuration parameters that are configured in the cinder.conf file in Cinder.

The contents of the default configuration, excluding the comments, are:

logs: false
venv_sudo: true
    - volume_backend_name: lvm
      volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver
      volume_group: cinder-volumes
      target_protocol: iscsi
      target_helper: lioadm

But like the name implies, backends can have multiple drivers configured, and the functional tests will run the tests on them all.

For example a configuration file with LVM, Kaminario, and XtremIO backends would look like this:

logs: false
venv_sudo: true
    - volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver
      volume_group: cinder-volumes
      target_protocol: iscsi
      target_helper: lioadm
      volume_backend_name: lvm

    - volume_backend_name: xtremio
      volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.xtremio.XtremIOISCSIDriver
      use_multipath_for_image_xfer: true
      xtremio_cluster_name: CLUSTER
      san_ip: x.x.x.x
      san_login: user
      san_password: password

    - volume_backend_name: kaminario
      volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.kaminario.kaminario_iscsi.KaminarioISCSIDriver
      use_multipath_for_image_xfer: true
      san_ip: x.x.x.y
      san_login: user
      san_password: password

The validation

Now it’s time to run the commands, for this we’ll use the tox command passing the location of our configuration file via environmental variable CL_FTESTS_CFG:

$ CL_FTEST_CFG=temp/tests.yaml tox -efunctional

functional develop-inst-nodeps: /home/geguileo/code/cinderlib
functional installed: You are using pip version 8.1.2, ...
functional runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='2093635202'
functional runtests: commands[0] | unit2 discover -v -s tests/functional
test_attach_detach_volume_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_attach_detach_volume_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_attach_detach_volume_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_attach_detach_volume_via_attachment_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_attach_detach_volume_via_attachment_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_attach_detach_volume_via_attachment_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_attach_volume_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_attach_volume_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_attach_volume_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_clone_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_clone_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_clone_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_multiple_times_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_multiple_times_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_multiple_times_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_multiple_volumes_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_multiple_volumes_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_multiple_volumes_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_volume_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_volume_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_connect_disconnect_volume_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_delete_snapshot_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_delete_snapshot_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_delete_snapshot_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_delete_volume_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_delete_volume_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_delete_volume_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_snapshot_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_snapshot_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_snapshot_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_volume_from_snapshot_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_volume_from_snapshot_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_volume_from_snapshot_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_volume_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_volume_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_create_volume_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_disk_io_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_disk_io_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_disk_io_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_extend_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_extend_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_extend_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_stats_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_stats_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_stats_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_stats_with_creation_on_kaminario (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_stats_with_creation_on_lvm (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok
test_stats_with_creation_on_xtremio (tests_basic.BackendFunctBasic) ... ok

Ran 48 tests in x.ys


As can be seen each test will have a meaningful name ending in the name of the backend we have provided via the volume_backend_name key in the YAML file.

Reporting results

Once you have run the tests, it’s time to report the results so they can be included in the Validated drivers section.

To help others use the same backend and help us track how each storage driver was tested please include the following information in your report:

  • Cinderlib version.
  • Storage Array: What hardware and firmware version were used.
  • Connection type tested: iSCSI, FC, RBD, etc.
  • Dependencies/Requirements for the backend: Packages, Python libraries, configuration files…
  • Contents of the YAML file with usernames, passwords, and IPs appropriately masked.
  • Cinder releases: What cinder releases have been tested.
  • Additional notes: Limitations or anything worth mentioning.

To report the results of the tests please create an issue on the project with the information mentioned above and include any errors you encountered if you did encounter any.